

我就是这样一个孩子。我被性侵,被忽视。我因为活着而被憎恨。我的出现不受欢迎。我挡住了聚会和喧闹的音乐。大人们越是把我推开,我就越想从他们那里得到爱。我从来没有得到它,我的泰迪熊可以证明我流下的所有眼泪,因为我一再被父母抛弃,被其他应该关心我的成年人忽视。然后下一秒,我就成了一个性玩具,被借给那些肮脏的老恋童癖,他们让我感到不舒服和折磨。我很困惑,一直在痛苦中挣扎。在我心里,我避开了他们所有人。 I started looking around me for snippets of light in my dark world. I craved it like the air in my next breath. I needed to know that there was something good in this life. Something worth holding on to when the darkness of abuse came and robbed me of my existence. During those early years, I clung to those tiny snippets of life from nature. A blue sky with fluffy white clouds sent my imagination into overdrive at the possibility of me just flying off into happy oblivion. A tiny yellow crocus pushing up and out of a frosty winter morning blanket of snow, its stubbornness to grow in a hostile environment got me through some very dark moments. A tree with a strong trunk, sprouting big fat plump branches and laden with juicy red apples. I imagined myself climbing that tree all the way to the top and reaching for those juicy apples. The sun shone on me, its warmth caressing my skin and warming me up from within.

随着年龄的增长,我需要的不仅仅是太阳、树木和天空。我需要人,但我不信任任何人。我不能让任何人进来,因为我被威胁得闭嘴了。我童年的大部分时间都在担心自己的生命安全。我只相信和我同龄的孩子。我发现我可以和他们说话,他们也会用我能理解的方式和我说话。在做了多年的选择性哑巴之后,有一个人可以回嘴,这是一种解脱。我的泰迪熊从不顶嘴。我开始观察我周围的成年人,我注意到我的朋友们在放学接孩子的时候对他们的父母表现出慈爱。我试着模仿他们的行为,扑向母亲僵硬的手臂。 I felt as welcomed as a person could be running into a brick wall covered in a thin jacket. It didn’t feel good so why did my friends carry on doing it? The world was so confusing!

我一直在观察我周围的世界,尤其是孩子们是如何与家人和其他成年人相处的。在食品市场,我看到母亲们牵着孩子的手,低头对他们微笑。我也试了一下,但握着母亲那只冰冷的戴着皮手套的手感觉很奇怪。没有笑容,也没持续多久。她说握着我的手很不舒服。牵手到底有什么特别的?有些孩子和他们的父母有某种让他们微笑和咯咯笑的“纽带”,这让我很恼火。这就像是他们之间的特殊密码。我不明白那是什么,但我也想要那个微笑。我想和妈妈一起开心地笑,但我们之间并不是这样的。 She was cold and matter-of-fact. My so-called father was terrifying me all the time. His presence put the little hairs on my body at full alert. His voice was all it took to make me tremble at what was coming next.

我记得在附近的水上公园里,我站在一对母女的后面排队去滑水。他们在一起很开心,谈笑风生,互相依偎在一起。我也想要一些,所以我靠向母亲,听她说话,几乎要碰她一下。我敢肯定这很不礼貌,因为她奇怪地看了我一眼,问我和谁在一起。当时只有我一个人,所以我只是耸耸肩。在泳池区,我看到父母们对孩子们宠爱有加,和他们一起在水里玩耍。游泳后,父母用毛巾把孩子擦干,抱着孩子让他们咯咯笑。被这样照顾看起来很好。我从来没有过这种感觉。在许多“快点”的威胁下,我不得不把自己擦干,穿上衣服。 I started to believe it was me and that it was my fault that my so-called parents were so cold.

多年来,我收集了很多关于归属感对别人意味着什么,但对我却从来没有。这是一种非常陌生的感觉。我是被排除在外的那个人。我是不同的。我不讨人喜欢,没有人想和我在一起。我总觉得自己是个局外人。在学校里,当我们学习假期,不得不与全班同学分享我们的经历时,我假装和其他人一样。我从别人那里拿了一些零碎的东西,把它变成了我自己的幸福家庭的“量身定制的节日”。我所希望的那个版本是真实的,因为我永远不知道假期里到底发生了什么。我的整个生活都被虐待和威胁所吞噬,我必须重塑它,让它适合其他人。 I became a liar to protect my abusers. Yet, I still had feelings like everybody else. When I allowed myself to let my guard down, I felt it, deep in my soul. Who did I belong to? Who wanted me for… well me?


我注意到很多父母都拥抱他们的孩子,包括我的朋友们,这一定很正常。当我去朋友家做客时,我看到很多家庭都在笑,互相开着玩笑,我想这就是家庭。我看到家人在假期里放松,一起玩乐。那么,为什么我的不是那样呢?为什么我生在寒冷和痛苦中?我拒绝像他们一样。我想要幸福的生活。我转向看电视和电影,以获得更多与人打交道的经验。然后我的第二年给了我一个幸运的生命线在课外俱乐部和假期俱乐部。我的老师正在把它卖给我朋友的父母,我妈妈碰巧路过来接我。 She got the teacher’s sale speech for a new nature club starting near our house and a gymnastics class. My friends’ parents were excited and signed up on the spot and my mother was cornered and signed me up too. I knew she didn’t want me to go but I made it impossible for her not to send me. I succeeded and it was like a waterfall had started to run out of control. I signed myself up for every class and new adventure I could manage that was free, even though I didn’t like gymnastics, I still did it because I belonged somewhere just for a little while. It felt good. I also felt so much lighter when I was not at home. The holidays were no longer bleak and boring but full of activities away from home. It was also a valid excuse not to go to my so-called father’s place during the holidays. Sports and hobbies became my refuge and my way of belonging to something growing up. It was my “family”.


